FROM THE US TO THE WESTERN BALKANS: The Abortion Debate Reaches Western Balkan Media

One could say that it would make sense to assume that the freedoms we have today and which we once fought for, are won forever.  However, the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade which protected women’s right to choose to have an abortion proves that rights are not guaranteed and cannot be …

Monthly monitoring highlight: Hate speech in the Western Balkans during May

Throughout the month of May, the RDN monitoring team has detected a range of hateful narratives and discourse. This month we are highlighting religious hate speech, ethnic discrimination, homophobia and sexism in the Western Balkan region. Islamophobia in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former member of the presidency of the …

TROLL OF THE MONTH: Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, Joanikije Mićović

The Balkan Troll of the Month is an individual, a group of individuals or a media outlet that spreads hate on the internet based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or other diversity categories. The Balkan Troll is selected based on hate speech incidents identified across the Western Balkans region. May Troll is the Metropolitan of the …

Osuđuje se neprofesionalno izveštavanje medija o širenju majmunskih boginja i dovođenja u vezu sa LGBTQ+ populacijom

Poslednjih nedelja zabeleženo je više slučajeva infekcije majmunskim boginjama u Evropi, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Australiji, Kanadi. Nakon što su otkriveni slučajevi infekcije kod gej, biseksualnih i drugih muškaraca koji imaju seks sa mušakrcima, mediji su počeli da izveštavaju o majmunskim boginjama kao bolesti koja se „prenosi gej seksom”. Tabloid Kurir je u svom tekstu „MAJMUNSKE …

Sexism, ethnic hate speech and hate speech against the LGBTQ+ community present throughout the Western Balkan region

Sexism, misogyny and hate speech towards women and the LGBTQ+ community, as well as hate speech based on ethnicity, are most prevalent in Western Balkan media and something that is common to the whole region, according to the results of media monitoring in the Western Balkans which followed problematic trends in reporting on social diversity. …

Monthly monitoring highlight: Hate speech during April across Western Balkans

Throughout the month of April, the RDN monitoring team has detected a range of hateful narratives and discourse. This month there has been a rise in ethnic discrimination, sexism, and homophobia in the Western Balkan region. Ethnic discrimination in North Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina The now-former Secretary-general of the Government of North Macedonia, …

TROLL OF THE MONTH: Duda Balje, the President of the Social Democratic Union and Member of the Assembly of Kosovo

The Balkan Troll of the Month is an individual, a group of individuals or a media outlet that spreads hate on the internet based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or other diversity categories. The Balkan Troll is selected based on hate speech incidents identified across the Western Balkans region. April Troll is Duda Balje, the President …

Who asked her for her opinion – women in the media in Serbia

Although they make up half of the population, women as subjects and sources of news are in only a quarter of the world’s media content, according to the latest results of the Global Media Monitoring Project. The situation in Serbian media is below the world average, because women appear as interlocutors in a fifth of …


Throughout the month of March, the RDN monitoring team has detected a range of hateful narratives and discourse. Cases of ethnic discrimination, religious hate speech and homophobia continue to influence the relations within societies in the Western Balkan region as well as the relations between neighbouring countries. Sexism in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia In …