
Monthly Monitoring Highlight: Homophobia and other forms of hatered throughout August
Throughout the month of August, the RDN 2.0 monitoring team has detected a range of hateful narratives and discourse. This month there has been a rise in homophobia, particularly in Serbia due to the upcoming EuroPride, along with sexism and ethnic discrimination. Sexism in North Macedonia The website express.mk published an article regarding singer Tamara …

TROLL OF THE MONTH: Bishop Nikanor of Banat
The Balkan Troll of the Month is an individual, a group of individuals or a media outlet that spreads hate based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or other diversity categories. The Balkan Troll is selected based on hate speech incidents identified across the Western Balkans region. RDN’s August Troll is the Bishop Nikanor of Banat who …

SERBIAN TABLOIDS PROCLAIM WAR (ALMOST 300 TIMES A YEAR) In September 2020, the Guardian editorial board had GPT-3, artificial intelligence (AI) language software, draft an essay about how robots “come in peace” and that humans have no reason to fear them. The result was incredibly successful; GPT-3 delivered a roughly 1,000 word text that put …

INSTEAD OF OPPOSING INFORMATION CHAOS, SOME KOSOVO MEDIA OUTLETS CREATED IT On June 29, 2022, the Kurti government took the decision to apply reciprocity measures against Serbia regarding personal identification documents. This meant that citizens of Serbia entering Kosovo, from August 1, would be provided with temporary forms replacing the documents issued by Serbia, a …

Monthly Monitoring Highlights: Hate Speech in the Western Balkans throughout July
Throughout the month of July, the RDN monitoring team has detected a range of hateful narratives and discourse. Antisemitism in Albania On Top Channel’s show “E Diell’, as part of the segment – Rrethi Katror’ – a frequent guest of the show, Alfred Cako, made problematic antisemitic statements. Cako is also known as Albania’s most …

The Balkan Troll of the Month is an individual, a group of individuals or a media outlet that spreads hate based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or other diversity categories. The Balkan Troll is selected based on hate speech incidents identified across the Western Balkans region. This month’s Troll is JOQ Albania which recently reported on …

MEDIA MONITORING REPORTS: Hate speech in the Balkans mainly targets ethnicity, gender identity and sexual orientation
According to the media monitoring reports produced within the Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 project, three categories were identified as the main target of hate speech: ethnicity, gender identity and sexuality. These three categories which were the result of monitoring 465 single incidents across the region, make up more than fifty percent of cases (53,13%). Within …

Monthly Monitoring Highlights: Hate speech in the Western Balkans throughout June
Throughout the month of June, the RDN monitoring team has detected a range of hateful narratives and discourse. This month there has been a rise in religious hate speech, sexism and ethnic discrimination in the Western Balkan region. Sexism in Montenegro, Albania and Serbia In Montenegro, the website Aktuelno.me, has a section called ‘Beauties from …

TROLL OF THE MONTH: Vladimir Đukanović, Member of the Serbian Progressive Party and lawyer
The Balkan Troll of the Month is an individual, a group of individuals or a media outlet that spreads hate on the internet based on gender, ethnicity, religion, or other diversity categories. The Balkan Troll is selected based on hate speech incidents identified across the Western Balkans region. June Troll is Vladimir Đukanović, Member of …